European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration
Project design
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
09/2014 – 08/2017 (36 months)
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ECOPRIS promotes open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods, fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations in the areas of inclusion of inmates.
This project gathers, in its consortia, prison administrations from different countries, universities, training organizations and private companies, aiming to develop a work-based training course addressing prison work initiatives and management skills, namely: prison work and industries awareness, marketing, management, innovation in public correctional organizations, entrepreneurship, communication, ICT and teamwork.
Create a joint curricula work-based VET training course to promote inmates' reintegration throughout prison work initiatives, by developing staff management skills, namely: prison work and industries awareness, marketing, management, innovation, entrepreneurship, communication, ICT , ecological economics and teamwork in prison staff.
Train 36 prison staff, in 3 countries, in multidisciplinary teams of 6 members (2 per country), with 3 short-term transnational training events, to develop and implement innovative „prison work” actions engaging at least 20 inmates per country.
Improve community and business participation in staff and inmates labour reintegration actions by engaging key stakeholders and experts in national seminars, validation workshops, transnational events and involvement in training pilot actions.
Prison work models critical review.
Prison work administration assessment tool.
An existent training course review report.
Prison work administration course curriculum/program.
Course manual and guide, open sources, usable in all partnership countries languages and English.
Six prison work business plans, three of them on green economy.
A prison work business plan implementation manual
A prison work consulting and coaching manual
A prison work catalogue.
One transnational ICT prison work development and management tool.
Six national validation workshops (2 per country) with at least 8 stakeholders/experts per workshop; 3 national seminars (1 per country) with at least 8 national stakeholders/experts and 2 transnational partners members each; 3 training courses with 12 staff each (36 persons); 6 short-term transnational staff training, involving 18 participants each (1 team from each country).
European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
Innovation, Development and Communication for a better Education in Prison Systems
Social dialogue for better prisons
Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings
European Prison Officers for the 21st Century