European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
Social dialogue for better prisons
01/2013 - 10/2014 (22 months)
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This project aims to develop the social dialogue capacity between Prison Union (SNLP) and its Public Administration counterpart (prison administration) through the design and testing of a participatory social dialogue immersive experience model.
Delivery of a training program (negotiation/mediation) both to public administration top Management and union representatives (with a focus on simulations).
Building up a joint social dialogue road map (immersive model) focusing on priorities and practicability of actions adapted to prisons context.
The promotion of the unionization of workers implementing participative strategies and actions.
The dissemination of outputs and achievements towards other unions and federations.
European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration
Innovation, Development and Communication for a better Education in Prison Systems
Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings
European Prison Officers for the 21st Century