Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration
European Career Counselling Guidelines for Staff Working in Criminal Correctional Justice System
01/2020 – 12/2022 (36 months)
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Prison systems in the EU have undergone a massive process of change over the last twenty years, yet practitioners in the sector often lack professional guidance, especially one with an innovative approach. Thus, the CCJ4C project seeks to analyse the process of cultural change in correctional settings, reflecting on the career of staff and the support provided to prisoners.
The project seeks to find out to what extent there is an ideal approach to developing career management skills of prison staff and, as far as it can be developed, to identify the elements of this model that translate into a change in public policy.
An analysis of the interested parties, possible scenarios and key factors in career guidance in CCJ careers.
Collect the systemic and individual needs of key actors, identifying the policy approach on career guidance for prison staff, namely correctional officers.
Use public policy tools like structured public hearings, committee meetings, direct advocacy, to present the results of the methodology and push for its valorisation at European level.
Develop ready-to-deploy solutions for correctional staff, prisons, prison administrations and responsible public authorities: profile of competencies (complex cartography of skills, behaviours and attitudes) needed to support career management, interactive tool to help users navigate the profile, self-asses, obtain development solutions and support in personalised learning pathways to strengthen the competencies.
Pilot and embed the solution at the prison administration level.
Policy context analysis in Correctional Criminal Justice (CCJ) careers.
Stakeholders analysis in CCJ careers, the supportive competencies and educative needs.
Development of learning tools and resources to bridge the policy context and the learning context in an interactive environment.
Development of policy action recommendations based on the evidence built, for the development of career guidance mechanisms in CCJ.
Dissemination and sharing of inspiring practices.
Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration
Innovation, Development and Communication for a better Education in Prison Systems
Social dialogue for better prisons
Leadership development for occupational stress reduction in correctional settings
European Prison Officers for the 21st Century