We take on Criminal Justice challenges...
developing research and consulting partnerships
to make
solutions happen.

20 years of experience
We are a global boutique research and advisory firm with a multidisciplinary approach
Our projects make a difference in the field of justice, prison services, community sanctions and measures, juvenile justice, and law enforcement.
We have been developing initiatives for nearly two decades, under the umbrella of one integrated strategy, with creativity and technology as our main tools.

Co-creation for global reach
Collaboration drives innovation. And it's in the co-creation that we find the best answers
That is why we assemble teams of multidisciplinary specialists capable of responding to technological and societal challenges.
With a global intervention spanning 51 countries, and on-the-ground teams across four continents, we combine regional expertise with a truly global reach.
We have gained expertise in delivering effective and evidence-based responses to inspire change and transform the criminal justice sector in several areas.
Research, development and innovation
Connecting the dots between our research-based project portfolios
We deploy integrative solutions through an intersectional flow of knowledge, ideas and partnerships.
We deliver innovative, effective and evidence-based responses to a range of complex challenges in the criminal justice sector.

Consulting and advisory
Unveiling the path(s) for the criminal justice reform
We focus on the collaborative work of national and international stakeholders to facilitate the reform of criminal justice systems.
Specialised training solutions
Tailoring courses for correctional staff training and development
We engage and support prison and probation services to manage and make the most of their talent.

Digital transformation
Building tech solutions for the digital transformation of criminal justice systems
We engineer technology solutions to solve complex criminal justice systems’ problems while being involved in all stages of the project’s life cycle: from research to design and software development.
Multidisciplinary partnerships
Partenering with
Research organisations & Academia
Correctional agencies
Government departments
Civil society organisations
International multilateral organisations
Private firms
to develop turn-key projects in the criminal justice sector.
Research laboratory
To reinforce our collective R&D capacity, IPS and UBI Beira Interior University founded BSAFE LAB in 2014. The BSAFE LAB is an open interdisciplinary research laboratory aiming to foster and develop new research and technology transfer in law enforcement, justice and public safety.
Specialised platforms

Global publication
Justice Trends is a premium printed and online magazine founded in 2017. Since the first edition, we’ve developed and published 220+ exclusive content about criminal justice and correctional services worldwide.

Specialised training platform
The Corrections Learning Academy is an online training platform with real-time and self-paced programmes where Correctional professionals can acquire relevant knowledge and master new skills and concepts online.

Business and networking hub
Corrections direct is a global networking and business directory for key industry players in the Correctional sector, where they can find new potential partnerships and business opportunities. This hub is bringing together correctional agencies, business partners, specialised suppliers, experts and research organisations from around the world.

Offender Management System
HORUS 360 iOMS is an innovative project aimed at research and designing a solution that supports the management of activities and information generated during the detention “life cycle”, imprisonment or surveillance of persons subject to custodial and non-custodial judicial measures.

Member of the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA)

Member of the Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APDSI)

Member of the ICT Cluster (TICE.PT)

Sponsor of the Corrections Technology Association (CTA)