European Arrest Warrant
Judicial cooperation for the enhancement of mutual recognition regarding probation measures and alternative sanctions
Project design
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
04/2022 – 04/2024 (24 months)
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The J-CAP project aims at improving the execution of Framework Decision 2008/947, which lays down rules for facilitating the recognition and application of probation measures and alternative sanctions among the European Member States.
This project focuses on an awareness-raising approach while also developing practical materials to facilitate the execution of the Framework Decision.
With judges and magistrates as its primary target group and lawyers as a second target, J-CAP’s activities highlight the importance of the instrument and the fundamental issues that hinder its successful implementation.
By fostering “strengthened cooperation and exchange of information between competent national authorities”, the project ultimately advances the objective of more effective and holistic rehabilitation policies and practices.
Lay the groundwork for successfully supporting judges and magistrates, and on a second level, lawyers in executing Framework Decision 2008/947.
Contribute to a deepened understanding of the Framework Decision’s goals and operational aspects, as well as of other EU Member States’ systems and available measures between practitioners.
Fostering reflection among practitioners, which will, in turn, support a higher degree of harmonisation between legal and judicial cultures.
Support the rehabilitation and respect for the rights of foreign individuals on probation simultaneously reiterating the relevance of judicial cooperation instruments concerning non-custodial judicial sentences.
Development of practical materials to support and extend the application of Framework Decision 2008/947 by judicial practitioners (judges, magistrates & lawyers) across the EU Member States.
Dissemination and discussion events fostering the capacity of judicial practitioners (judges, magistrates, and lawyers) to execute the Framework Decision 2008/947.
Convergence of practices of stakeholders in the partner countries, supporting international judicial cooperation in criminal matters and fostering harmonisation of legal and judicial cultures.
Increased efficiency and success of monitoring and control measures aiming at offenders’ rehabilitation.
European Arrest Warrant
Implementation of the Stockholm’s Roadmap in cases of terrorism and radicalisation
Assessing the impact and performance of preventive measures on EU Directives and Framework Decisions
Alternative pre-trial detention measures: Judicial awareness and cooperation towards the realisation of common standards