Continuing Education Against Radicalisation
Multi-Ideological Radicalisation Assessment towards Disengagement
Project design
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems
01/2022 – 06/2023 (18 months)
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The MIRAD project aims to enhance the efficiency of radicalisation disengagement and reintegration programmes, while ultimately promoting a longitudinal analysis of the joint implementation of risk assessment tools (i.e., the IRS) amongst all involved agencies and stakeholders (prison and probation services staff and NGOs professionals).
The project addresses the necessity to develop and apply ideology-specific risk assessment tools and is attentive to relevant gender dimensions of appropriate interventions
Construct and pilot a methodological evaluation approach (and associated instrument) for ensuring the trustworthiness and capability of NGO’s as non-institutional partners involved in disengagement and reintegration programmes.
Construct and pilot a methodological evaluation approach (and associated instrument) for ensuring the trustworthiness and capability of NGO’s as non-institutional partners involved in disengagement and reintegration programmes.
Design and promote the adoption of cross-sectoral and interinstitutional collaboration models and protocols, drawing the different professional categories’ attention to the central relevance of inter-institutional collaboration for the efficiency of the disengagement programmes.
Design and validate ideology-specific add-on sheets to the IRS, adequately adapted to the right-wing and Islamist extremism phenomena, so as to enhance the assessment of inmates’ risk of radicalisation, from individual vulnerabilities to a more advanced and deepened involvement with radical groups.
Provide innovative training offers in the field of radicalisation assessment, harnessing the benefits of technological advances.
Expanded collaboration in the field of disengagement and reintegration programmes amongst governmental bodies and non-institutional organisations, through capability and appropriateness’ assessments of the latter.
Promoted high-quality training and learning opportunities for these stakeholder groups, who occupy privileged positions for maximising the results of radicalisation disengagement and reintegration programmes.
Heightened attention from key sectoral decision-makers, regarding the vital relevance of cross-sectional, transversal transition programmes for violent extremism violent offenders (VETOs), through cooperative relations amongst prison and probation administrations, judicial practitioners, as well as NGOs.
Enhanced proficiency in the application and management of specific and tailor-made radicalisation screening and risk assessment tools, according to the ideology in question, among prison and probation staff, as well as NGOs working closely with the prison and probation services.
Deepened staff capacity to handle radicalised/violent extremist individuals, or those at risk, by prison, probation and NGO staff.
Continuing Education Against Radicalisation
Developing a European framework for disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison
Holistic Radicalisation Prevention Initiative (Balkan countries)
Strengthening a comprehensive approach to preventing and counteracting radicalisation based on a universal evidence-based model for evaluation of radicalisation prevention and mitigation
Integrated Community, Probation and Prison Services Radicalisation Prevention Approach
Partnership against Radicalisation in Cities
Radicalisation and violent extremism prevention in the community
Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons
Radicalisation Prevention Competences’ Development Programme for Justice Professionals
Integrated Exit Programme for Prisons and Probation