Reducing the disparities in the learning outcomes of the educational experience of a child within the juvenile justice system.
The EIGEP project (European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when Working with Children in Juvenile Justice Learning Contexts) final conference took place in Brussels, Belgium, on the 22nd and 23rd November 2018, having been organised by IPS Innovative Prison Systems.
Mr Tiago Leitão, from IPS Innovative Prison Systems, presented the project’s objectives and main results, highlighting that it is paramount to reduce the disparities in the children’s learning outcomes within juvenile justice contexts, compared to those delivered in mass education.
Furthermore, the EIGEP team presented the project’s policy recommendations at the European Parliament, to political advisors from several member States, at a session organised by Ms Neena Gill, a member of the European Parliament from the UK.
Following the occasion, Ms Meena Gill expressed her satisfaction on her Twitter account @NeenaGmep:

British Member of the European Parliament, Meena Gill, tweets about EIGEP project following the presentation of its Policy Recommendations
Still in the scope of EIGEP project’s final conference, IPS Innovative Prison Systems conducted a workshop entitled “Children Education in Juvenile Justice Learning Contexts”, at the Bedford Hotel.
Mr Tiago Leitão and Ms Alexandra Gomes, from IPS Innovative Prison Systems, presented the developed EIGEP products and programmes, their piloting results, and target groups’ adherence.
Moreover, there was a discussion of the policy recommendations resulting from the EIGEP project, considering the importance of education to reduce recidivism and increase youngsters’ opportunities for a successful reintegration into society. In fact, such a goal is highlighted in the EU recommendations [e.g., Recommendation Rec(2003)20 new ways of dealing with juvenile delinquency and the role of juvenile justice, just to name one].
The conference counted with more than 25 organisations that deliver projects in the field of criminal justice across the European Union.
There was also the opportunity for Mr Tiago Leitão to make a brief presentation (its relevance, main objectives and results) of the EIGEP project at the Annual Networking Event: “New Ideas, New Opportunities”, organised by CPIP Centre for Promoting Lifelong Learning and EaSI European Association for Social Innovation, attended by more than 80 participants.
The EIGEP project aims at reducing the disparities in learning outcomes of children and young people involved in the Juvenile Justice System when compared to the regular education system. Learn more about EIGEP.