Cross-sectoral awareness building on mental health needs in the criminal justice system and on release
Systematic Transition from Prison into the Labour Market
01/2022 – 07/2024 (30 months)
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Prison work has been a recurrent topic for many national and European projects throughout the past years, and STEP2LAB intends to complement these. This project aims to work with prison services and private industries in need of human resources.
The project’s objective is to support these industry actors to create effective and collaborative social and labour reintegration roadmaps for prison inmates. The programme aims at individuals serving shorter sentences or at the end-of-sentence. Moreover, the target is a younger audience with the goal of capacitating and motivating them to pursue a professional career and follow a sustainable living project.
Produce a model of guidance, training and reintegration based on a collaborative approach between prison services and private industries.
Develop an induction training standard for inmates willing to acquire new industry-specific competencies needed in the current job market.
Enhance the development of career plans, including continuous learning, job qualification and employers’ preparation for the recruitment of inmates after release.
A vocational guidance programme that includes a basic competencies induction in a specific industry, developing a career plan, and testing internships programmes while completing the prison sentence.
A certified induction module for VET education.
A STEP2LAB Catalogue: Integration of Case Studies – with examples of each country's successful vocational guidance and professional reintegration programmes.
A customized e-learning platform to support training content.
A training of trainers course to be delivered to prison and private industries staff on setting up and managing STEP2LAB processes and models.
Cross-sectoral awareness building on mental health needs in the criminal justice system and on release
Blended Learning Environment for European Prisoners
Bringing Safety on the Roads
Coding in prison as a valuable OUTside tool for employment
Taking Further Prisoners’ Education Projects in Using Dialogue as Preparing for Release
European Interaction Guidelines for Education Professionals when working with Children in Juvenile Justice Contexts
European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System
European Framework of Competences for Community Professionals in Gang Environments
Key Competencies for Minor Offender Reintegration
Development and testing of a process chain for the placement of former detainees as specialists in the labour market
Peer Pro-Social Modeling in Probation
Preventing Emotional and Sexual Abuse Among Young People
Strengthening the capacity of criminal justice professionals and volunteers
Training of Refugee Offenders by Virtual Reality
Secured digital education system for vocational skills for youngsters in closed institutions
Virtual reality for training inmates
Visualising the Future Through Training
Developing and Using Virtual Reality Technology for the Rehabilitation of Drug Users in Probation Services