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Conference on “Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future”
A success to be repeated in the future EuroPris in cooperation with ICPA and CEP organised on 27-29th May 2015 the first Global Corrections Digital Technology Conference, ‘Technology in Corrections: Challenges for the Future’, hosted by the Justice Department, Government of Catalonia. Two hundred participants (prison and probation systems representatives and technology
IPS and CGL become global partners to leverage services in justice and corrections
Lisboa and Miami, USA – April 25, 2015 – CGL Management Services (CGL) and Innovative Prison Systems (IPS) today announced the formation of a partnership to support and advise government on justice sector infrastructure, programme, and technology developments globally. For over 40 years, CGL, a Hunt Company, has specialised in
EISALP meeting: Developing prison education throughout Europe
Partners of “EISALP: European Induction Support for Adult Learning Professionals to the Correctional Criminal Justice System” meet in Lisbon. The EISALP project is set from the principle of finding out what it is that a prison educator has to do that is different or over and above what teachers in
IPS’s role in Guatemala´s National Penitentiary Reform Policy
Strengthen the work of the prison system through a new administrative and interagency model is one of the objectives of the National Prison Reform Policy 2014-2024. The policy was presented by Guatemala’s Interior Minister, Mauricio López Bonilla, in Guatemala de la Asunción (Guatemala City). It has been developed for ten years,
IDECOM: New educational methods for training prison staff transversal skills
The project concerns the development and testing of new educational methods in the training of prison staff covering transversal skills such as communication, teamwork competences, ICT, innovation and entrepreneurship. From the 21st through the 22nd January, 2015, the first meeting of the project “IDECOM – Innovation, Development, and Communication for
IPS seminar: Organization’s challenges and contribution to modernise Penitentiary Systems
IPS_Innovative Prison Systems opens a discussion on innovation in prison services in a “intelligent society”. Bringing innovation in traditional, hierarchical and complex organizations like the prison systems is not an easy process. Here innovation is often induced by the change of perception of society regarding the mission and role of
ECOPRIS project starts: Development and administration of prison work
Project promotes open and flexible learning, virtual mobility and other innovative learning methods, fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations in the areas of inclusion of inmates The kick-off meeting of the project “ECOPRIS – Ecological Economics in Prison Work Administration” promoted by the
Improving penitentiary policies in Latin America: IPS at Latin American ministers’ of justice conference
The presentation will address the audience on the need for “a new model for the future: standards, adapted infrastructures, financing and communication”. Pedro das Neves, board member at IPS_Innovative Prison Systems, and member of the executive board of BSAFE LAB (Beira Interior University, Portugal) will be present at the Conference of Ministers
IPS attends Latin America Justice Ministerial Conference in Costa Rica
The objective of the forum was to compare policies and seek joint solutions to problems that have many similarities across the region. Latin American ministers, deputy ministers and heads of prison administration signed the “San Jose Declaration on the promotion of social inclusion of persons deprived of liberty“ at the