Recent news
IPS at the VII Psychology and Psychiatry of Justice International Conference
IPS participated in the VII International Conference of Psychology and Psychiatry of Justice held in Porto from 26 to 27 November 2016 organized by the Portuguese Society of Psychology and Psychiatry of Justice. Representing IPS, Pedro das Neves briefly presented more than a decade of partnership projects developed with prison systems
IPS supports the II National Conference for Volunteers in prisons
The event joined together more than 180 participants to reflect and share volunteering practices. IPS supported the development of the II National Conference for Volunteers working in the prison system held in Lisboa on November 17th, organized by DGRSP (the Portuguese Prison and Probation System), APROXIMAR and the Portuguese Red Cross. According
R2Pris: Counter terrorism and security specialists gather in first meeting
Bringing together international experts in the field of radicalisation and national prison administrations, R2pris project aims to offer an innovative training programme for prison staff on how to recognise and prevent the process of radicalisation inside prisons. Counter terrorism and security specialists from Norway, Romania, Turkey, Portugal, and the USA
Open class on “Radicalisation: a Challenge to European Societies”
In the framework of the R2Pris project on radicalisation prevention, Pedro das Neves, IPS’s CEO, addressed and audience of university students, teachers and professionals in an open class. The event was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Beira Interior University on November 3rd, 2015. The introductory session
Evolution of corrections and emerging support technologies presentation
Hosted by Microsoft Europe (National Security and Public Safety), Pedro das Neves from IPS delivered the introductory presentation on the evolution of corrections throughout the world and how emerging technologies can support the execution of justice. At the Microsoft Public Sector Partner Executive Summit – held in Brussels on October 20th,
Juvenile justice conference “Walking together, talking together”
Held at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest on the 30th September and 1st October 2015, the “International Conference on Youth Justice: Walking together, talking together” was hosted by the Romanian Prison Administration, in a joint organisation with Meridianos International. Young people in risk of social exclusion and young
Musician John Legend visits portuguese prison
John Legend leads a US listening and learning tour, visiting with people who are incarcerated, law enforcement, legislators, and experts who’ve been thinking critically about America’s prison problem. On the 16th of July, John Legend visited the Santa Cruz do Bispo prison in Porto, Portugal. The singer and songwriter is
IDECOM: New educational methods for training prison staff steering committee
“IDECOM – Innovation, Development and Communication for a better education in Prison Systems” project aims the development and implementation of new educational methods in the training of prison staff. Steering committee meeting of the IDECOM project took place in Lisbon, on the 9th and 10th July 2015. Project partners include:
Development and administration of prison work – ECOPRIS steering meeting
Fostering the development of entrepreneurial skills and improvement of the capacities of organizations in the areas of inclusion of inmates. On 22nd and 23rd June the second project team of ECOPRIS (Portugal, Romania, Turkey, EuroPris) meeting took place in Ankara, Turkey. In the first months, the project worked on the